Saturday, January 2, 2016

DIY Christmas Gift Ideas

I know, I know. Christmas was over a week ago and I'm just now posting about this. I've been very busy, but better late than never (you can steal them for next year!)! In this post, I will be sharing the DIY gifts I made for Christmas.  More importantly, how they saved me money. And, how making things from the heart can mean the most! :)

Below is pictured the DIY heating pad (top) and DIY bath salts (bottom) I made. I was strapped for cash, but I wanted to make my mom and grandma both something special.  For the heating pad, all you need is a bag of rice, two decorative washcloths(not the super tiny ones..use bigger washcloths as they can fit more rice in them and make for a more appropriate size), and ribbon. To begin, find a flat surface. Lay out both washcloths, one on top of the other, decorative sides faced down so that they will show once the heating pad is finished. Pour enough rice onto the washcloth so that you can tie up the ends of the innermost washcloth (the one on top) with ease, and without tons of rice falling out. Then wrap the other washcloth around, to better insure that rice cannot fall out. Tie off the ends with ribbon. I would suggest heating in the microwave in 30 second increments. :)

For the bath salts, all you will need is 100% pure epsom salts (I think I used a 1 pound carton), 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, and a few drops of vanilla extract. Simply mix together in a glass bowl. Then, place in pretty little glass jars. I used a Christmas gift tag and leftover ribbon for the label.

*All things needed for the heating pads were found at Dollar general.. the bag of rice was $3 and I still have plenty left over to eat. Package of five different colors of ribbon was $1. Wash cloths were $1 a piece. All ingredients for the bath salts were found in my kitchen. :)


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